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From ZERO to 1,000


By Anne Caron 

“Companies are made of PEOPLE, and people will make or break your company!”

From Zero To 1,000 is the organisational playbook for startups that was to building high performing and positive teams at scale. Learn more about the 5 stages of growth of a startup, about how to set up a positive company culture, how to develop lean and efficient HR processes and how to drive high performance in your teams.


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The way we design and manage organisations is increasingly out of date. The 2020 pandemic crisis has revealed the immediate need for workplaces to be empathic and flexible. A new realisation is happening in the workplace and founders have more than ever to build purpose-driven and authentic organisations. A handful of pioneers have cracked the code, but the world of work now craves better working conditions, more work-life balance and even a higher calling.

In this groundbreaking book, international speaker and consultant Anne Caron shows that investing time in designing the right organisation and management framework is no longer optional if you want your business to thrive. From Zero to 1,000 provides a practical, fast-paced and field-tested methodology for entrepreneurs to build positive and performing organisations which are resilient in the face of adversity.

Leaders, founders, coaches and consultants will find this book a useful blueprint full of insights, examples and inspiring stories.


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5 - 10 copies                           S$  22.00        11 - 25 copies                          S$  19.00

26 - 50 copies                         S$ 17.00

50+ copies                               S$ 15.00

Anne Caron is an international speaker, author and consultant. Drawing on her 10 years' experience as a senior HR executive at Google, she set up her consulting practice in 2015 to support founders in building high performing and positive organisations. Through her experience working with entrepreneurs, she developed a methodology for startups to grow the right organisation and team, which she describes in her book From Zero to 1,000.

Anne Caron is a People Strategy and HR expert, best seller author and international speaker. She supports fast growing organisations build high performing teams at scale.
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"From Zero to 1,000 is a practical and insightful handbook for founders and leaders, drawing on Anne's superb experience helping build some of the most innovative companies in the world."

- Laszlo Bock

 Former Senior Vice President of People Operations at Google, co-founder and CEO of Humu

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